Karleen De Rijcke, vice-president of Cystic Fibrosis Europe, CEO of the Belgian CF Association (Belgium), Masters in Psychology and Health Education
Hilde De Keyser, coordinator CF Europe
Hanneke Eyns, head physiotherapist CF center University Hospital Brussels (BE)
Eitan Kerem, head of the division of Pediatrics, Hadassah Medical Center, Israel
Linda Mahieu, CF physiotherapist at the CF centre of the University Hospital Gent (BE)
Jacqueline Noordhoek, MA MSc, president CF Europe, CEO of the Dutch CF Foundation (Netherlands), degree in Child Psychology and Business Administration.
Cathy Shortt, Cystic Fibrosis nurse specialist, Ireland
Chris Smith, Chris Smith RD Senior Paediatric Dietitian Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital Brighton and chair international CF nutrition group
Elke De Wachter
Stan Iustina – IOMC ”Alfred Rusescu” Bucuresti, medic coordonator pentru programul pentru fibroza chistica (mucoviscidoza)
Popa Cristian – Institutul de Pneumoftiziologie „Marius Nasta”, medic coordonator pentru programul pentru fibroza chistica (mucoviscidoza) adulti